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Hospital cats :D

Wheee... there are two Maine Coone cats roaming the hospital grounds :D I was lucky and got to pet one of them.

Also, they found out I have sleep apnoa and because of that I'm always sleepy and it most likely also influences my mood. But I won't be able to get treatment until September :( And they're putting electromagnetic fields in my brain to activate areas of the brain that are usually less active in people with depression.

Still, I only feel a little better, but who knows what's to come?

Sidenote: Of course Dexter has urinary trouble while I'm at the hospital. I was able to take him to the vet this morning, he's gotten better after some antibiotics and painkiller. My husband is now in charge of giving him his medication. I don't need to tell you about getting pills into cats, do I?

Hello friends, 


I'm now at the hospital without loosing my mind beforehand.

They found out that I sometimes stop breathing in my sleep and that this is the most likely cause for my sleepiness. My mood has since improved. I hope  everything will be fine soon so I can return to my cats and my significant other soon.

I love you. If you need help, don't hesitate to get some. It might save your life :)